Custom Hiring Stages

Custom Interview Stages

Introducing Custom Interview Stages feature, which will allow you to optimize your interview workflow, and streamline your entire interview process very easily.

With this feature, you can set up Custom Interview Stages for each job and track candidates efficiently and don't have to create multiple candidate lists elsewhere, like in Excel or other documents.

Different stage types

You can keep track of candidates across various stage types and rounds under them. For your easy understanding we have created few default stages and rounds. You can further customize each stage, add multiple rounds under it, assign stage owners, evaluators etc. for your requirement.

1. Sourcing stages

This stage consists of all the sourcing rounds like Active, passive, saved for review, reached out etc. This is a default stage and cannot be edited.

2. Profile review stage

Profile review is useful when the candidate has been shortlisted for further review and screening rounds by the HR etc. before advancing the candidates to the next step. By default a round "Profile review by HR" will be added when this stage is created. You can edit this round or add a new stage by clicking on "Add another profile review round".

You can also add evaluators who would be evaluating the candidate.

Profile review stage type will have one custom automated action called as "share profile for review". Which means a user can setup an automated action where the default evaluator will receive a mail informing them that they are required to review a candidate.

This email can be customized as per your requirement and you can also choose to share candidate CTC with them.

3. Assessment stage

This stage is useful when you wish to conduct assignment round with the candidate like a case study round, coding assignment etc.

You can edit the name of the round, add default evaluators and set a default email template for this assessment round.

This email can be customized and you can also add "who should grade it?". Please note - you can schedule the mailer to be sent for later stage.

Once the assignment is sent to the candidate it will be marked sent on his profile.

Whenever the candidate submits their assignment you can “Mark as completed and notify evaluators” button which will create a request for evaluation for the evaluators and they will be sent an email to leave evaluation.

Until an evaluation is submitted, we’ll show a bell icon next to evaluator’s avatar clicking which a reminder email for evaluation will go to the evaluator.

Sometimes recruiters may conduct assessment outside of Instahyre platform. The recruiters can mark an assessment round as completed externally using this option and the status of the round will be marked as Completed.

4. Interview stage type

This stage is useful for scheduling and conducting interview rounds.

One round will be added by default when this stage will be created. User can add any number of rounds under this stage.

User can edit the name of the round and add default interviewers.

4 custom action for each interview round can be activated - Schedule interview manually, Share scheduler link, Mark as done (green tick icon) and Skip interview (cross icon).

Schedule interview manually

If the recruiter wants to schedule a fixed date-time interview he/she can do so by clicking "schedule interview manually" Anyone selected in the default interviewers field in the job form will be pre-filled in the “Select interviewers to add to…” field in this section.

After the recruiter confirms the fixed date-time, they can type email communication.

After you send the email, the status of the interview round will change to Upcoming and Instahyre will show the event date/time against the round along with the links to Reschedule or join the event.

Once the event is completed the status of the round will change from Upcoming to Completed. An automatic post-event evaluation request will be created for all event participants and they will receive an email for evaluation. After they submit their evaluation, their ratings will be shown along with their profile image against that interview.

Please note: “Join” will only show if the event type is either of google meet/skype/zoom/microsoft teams, else only Reschedule will show.

You can also share a scheduling link with candidate and allow the candidate to book a slot from the available slots. To do this you can use the “Share scheduler link” option which will ask you to select the scheduling link to share.

After you select a link and click “Confirm”, you can add the email content that will go along with this scheduler link. Once the email is sent and the candidate books the slot system will change the status to upcoming event

Mark as done

Many times recruiters conducts interview round outside of Instahyre platform in person or telephonic, in such cases you can update the status of the round of that interview round by marking it as done externally. Once you select this option, the status of the round will change to Completed.

You can leave the evaluation once you mark it completed or request evaluation from a team member who may have conducted that interview.

Skip Interview

In case you wish to skip interview round for a particular candidate you can mark it as "Interview round as skipped". The status of the round will change to "Skipped"

5. Offer stage type

This stage is useful for rolling out offer letter to the qualified candidates and advancing the final ones to the hired stage.

There 2 custom automated actions which you can activate on this stage; Send offer or Move to hired stage.

With the help of send offer button you can roll-out offer letter to a candidate, which will open send email modal. Once you send email we will show the date time the offer letter was sent along with an option to move the candidate to hired stage.

Once a candidate accepts the offer letter, you can move the candidate to the "hired stage".

In case you want to further discuss the offer letter with the candidate, it can be done by scheduling a meeting.

6. Other stage type

For miscellaneous rounds like decision making, waitlist, On hold etc this round can be created.

Updated on: 15/02/2023

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