Brand Page

Having a compelling brand page on Instahyre is crucial in attracting top talent and differentiating your organization from others in the competitive world of talent acquisition. Your brand page is the first point of contact for potential candidates, and it serves as the gateway to your company's identity. In this article, we'll understand the importance of a well-crafted brand page.

Company Overview:

The "Company Name at a Glance" section provides an overview of your organization's essential details, such as the founding year, company size, headquarters location, and industry. You can edit these details and convey the essentials of your brand, setting the stage for a deeper exploration.

Basic Details

Your company's name, tagline, logo, and a direct link to your website are prominently featured here at the center. This section sets the stage for your brand's visual identity and web presence.

All about the company and its culture, requirements and workplace details is shown in the centre.

Employee reviews:

By displaying employee reviews from various sources on your brand page, you can give candidates a glimpse into your company culture, work environment, and overall employee satisfaction. This can help you attract top talent and differentiate your organization from others in the competitive world of talent acquisition. Job seekers want transparency and authenticity in the company they apply for.

Social Presence:

In this section, you can showcase your company's social media and web links, including LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Play Store, and App Store. Engaging with candidates on multiple platforms can enhance your online presence and foster connections with your audience.

Let's look at each tab in details.

Overview Tab:

About: This section provides detailed information about your company, including its history, mission, and values. It serves as a digital brochure that mirrors content from your current website. It can also parse the same data that is present in your existing brand page.

Company Video: In this section you can embed a video, such as a YouTube or Vimeo link, to offer an immersive introduction to your company.

Active Job Listings: It showcases up to six of your current job openings and allow candidates to explore them in detail. A "View All" button directs candidates to the "Openings" tab for more opportunities.

Life Tab:

Why Explore a Career at {Company Name}: Share compelling reasons why your company is an attractive destination for talent. Highlight aspects that make your workplace unique and engaging.

Photo gallery: Use images to give candidates a visual tour of your work environment, culture, and team. This gives a visual image of how working in the company looks like.

Benefits: Here you can showcase the benefits your company offers in a structured format. Candidates can see the perks at a glance what you provide to your employees.

Tech Tab:

This section allows you to display your tech stack with relevant icons, providing candidates with insights into the technologies they might be working with at your company.

Team Tab:

You can showcase your team members with their name, photo, role, testimonials, and social links. This humanizes your organization and allows candidates to connect with your team.

There is a filter option so that the candidates can see the employees based on the departments.

Openings Tab:

You can display the active job listings for candidates to explore. Each job listing can be seen in detail by clicking on the "View Job" button.

There is a filter option that makes it easy for candidates to find roles of interest based on the job type, location, function or years of experience.

The column at the right of your brand page offers valuable features that enhance user engagement:

Apply to {Company Name}:

This card targets non-logged-in users, encouraging them to apply for jobs at your company. It provides a seamless application process for prospective candidates.

Jobs by Function:

Jobs are categorized based on their respective departments, making it easier for candidates to find relevant job opportunities within your organization.

Similar Companies:

This section suggests similar companies based on the company viewed by the user. It provides candidates with alternatives that match their interests, helping them discover more potential employers.

In conclusion, your company's brand page is a powerful tool for showcasing your company's identity, values, and job opportunities. By optimizing your brand page on Instahyre, you can make a long lasting impression on the candidate.

Updated on: 16/11/2023

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